Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Something from the newsstand

Just discovered a site while searching for something else. I'd never heard of the magazine, WILDEST WESTERNS, but apparently there are a half dozen issues out so far and you can subscribe to it over on their website.

The site has some articles, photographs and reviews which have already appeared in the print version, plus some obits on western actors who have passed away. I have barely had a chance to check out the site myself, but it seems to be something which should fit in perfectly with this blog.

I apologize in advance for any folks who think that the sites I link to here may be a bit too commercial in nature. Frankly, that's the nature of the many sites on the Internet, with even some blogs getting into the act. Personally, having grown up watching the major commercial networks and the viewing countless ads in comics I can't get upset by this stuff. Heck, if I could figure out a way to make a buck here I don't know that I'd be against the idea. :-)

Happy Trails!

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