Monday, January 24, 2005

I've added a link to the website over to the right. The link actually goes directly to their "Wild Western" page, since that ties in with my main interest in this blog. However, the site also links to pages related to thrillers, mysteries, current fiction and humorous fiction, among other genres. They also have a 'bookshelf' for current non-fiction books which may be of interest.

The great thing about the site is that not only do they review a wide range of books, but they also have bibliographies and brief bios for some authors. In addition, you can find excerpts of some novels which will give you a taste of a particular author's work. You won't find just bestsellers and you won't have the range of a Barnes & Noble, but you can easily spend a few hours checking out the work of writers you might not normally choose to read.

Happy trails & Happy Reading!

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