Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ultimatum: March On UltimatumUltimatum: March On Ultimatum by Aron E. Coleite
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Maybe if I had read the Ultimates titles when Marvel was publishing those books this would have meant something to me. I frankly never got further than the first issue of Ultimate Spider-Man, so the versions of the characters that appear here don't have an impact. Let's face it, if you don't know or care about a character than their death (sometimes in multiple incarnations) doesn't mean anything.

I was never really sure what the point of the Ultimates were, except that some of the characters (Nick Fury, in particular) more closely resembled the ones we saw in the MCU films. As this hardcover is a compilation of several annuals the writing and artwork varies depending on the creators. The artwork is never bad, but some artists are certainly better than the material they work on here.

If you are a total Marvel Zombie (I think there's a trademark on that now) or a fan who loved the Ultimate titles, you're bound to get more out of this than I did. Really glad I could borrow this from the Library and not have to pay for it.

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