Friday, February 10, 2023

Remote Viewing: The Devil's Doorway (2018, Ireland)

 The Devil's Doorway (2018, Ireland) is streaming on Tubi. A Found Footage horror film, that has as its center the Catholic institutions/ asylums known as, Magdalene Laundries. Here mentally ill women, girls pregnant out of wedlock, and "fallen women" were sent and had to work the laundries to pay for their food and board. These operated from the 18th through the late 20th Century. Stories of the treatment of the women finally led to their being closed.

In 1960, two priests are sent by the Vatican to document and investigate a possible 'miracle' that may have occurred in one of these institutions in Northern Ireland. The older of the priests freely admits to his skepticism and even spiritual doubts to the younger one, who eagerly hopes for proof of his faith. The younger priest begins to hear sounds and sees things during the night, while it is also discovered that one pregnant girl is being held prisoner in the basement.

A couple of jump scares, but the film really spends more time talking about the ethics of the institution and how the church allows its practices. Cut out the supernatural elements and it's more a political/social examination of how the Catholic church covered up much of the abuse happening at the time.

I enjoy the film for the growing foreboding but also for a realistic look at how the church maintains an almost medieval set of principles as the world changes around it.


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