Sunday, December 18, 2022

Remote Viewing: Our Trip to Berribrook (2022, Austrailian)

 Our Trip To Berribrook (2022, Australian) is another Found Footage horror film streaming on Tubi. The only missing FF cliche is the night-vision camera.

Three American vloggers visiting Australia decide to go to the Berribrook National Park. The area has been the legendary site for a mysterious creature, and where numerous people have disappeared since the late 19th century, including four British vloggers who disappeared several months before. As the trio searches, they talk about the legend and the popular myths of the dangers of Australian wildlife.

Let's be honest at 90 minutes the film is at least 40 minutes too long. You've got enough plot for a short, padded by footage of some kangaroos, lots of footage of trees, and each of the characters at one point saying they saw or heard something we never see or hear. I stopped the film at around forty minutes to take a break and you could actually start watching at the point I stopped and you would only have missed the Kangaroos.

The film isn't bad so much as tedious, as the actors are actually fairly decent for the roles and are quite believable, except as expected in the end where they do stupid things to make things worse. No real gore and a final freeze frame may make you wonder if you can get 90 minutes of your life back. I can't recommend this as it isn't bad enough to be good. 

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