Saturday, December 17, 2022

Remote Viewing: Christmas Bloody Christmas (2022, US)

 Christmas Bloody Christmas (2022, US) is currently streaming on Shudder. A nice addition to holiday horror and much better, IMO, than a lot of the low-budget stuff you'll find being cranked out for the Christmas horror crowd. Directed and written by Joe Begos, perhaps best known for the cult horror fave VFW.

Beginning with some spoof commercials, we learn that the Dept. of Defense, in a budget-saving move, has reconfigured some battle robots to perform as mall Santas that can be leased by stores. We are introduced to a record store owner and her friend/employee as they close up shop on Christmas Eve with no real plans. After several drinks, along with meeting up with friends who own a toy store (who are using one of the robots) and the local Sherriff, also grabbing a couple of drinks, the couple quickly moves out of the friend zone. A news report informs us that the DoD is recalling the robots as some are returning to their original programming as assassins. Pretty easy to see where things go from there.

A decent rock soundtrack, nice practical effects, and humor early on make this much better than the trailer would let on. I liked how the first fifteen minutes or so are spent letting us get to know the main characters making what happens later in the film more relevant. Some semi-nudity (mainly butts) and a sex scene intercut with the first murders are nicely done.

The final action scenes will give you major Terminator vibes.


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