Monday, November 21, 2022

Remote Viewing (watching at home): The Shadow of Bigfoot (2013)

 Just looking for something mindless I found The Shadow of Bigfoot (2013, British) over on Tubi, with a lot of other Bigfoot/Sasquatch-related films and documentaries. I'm in the skeptic camp, so we won't get into that.

A college professor, obsessed with his attempts to prove the existence of Bigfoot convinces one of his grad students and a colleague (a biology professor and skeptic) to accompany him on a weekend camping trip. After several sightings have happened in the area, the professor believes this might be his best chance.

Not Found Footage, but with the low budget, this film has it might as well have been. It seems that the cameraman is all but stalking the cast in some scenes with them not being framed properly or being filmed from behind trees and bushes.

Not going to point out everything, but there is one dialogue scene between two characters, supposedly in forest miles from anywhere, where you can see a garbage dumpster or some other type of metal container on the hill behind them. It's so obvious that I thought one of the characters was actually going to comment on it, but both ignore it and move on.

We never actually see the Bigfoot, except as a shadow or concealed in bushes. Fortunately, the bad CGI and the guy in a suit we see at the beginning of the film sets things up but are only used in the 'documentary' material before the actual plot takes off.

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