Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm still around!

I really don't have anything to add right now and not being able to post during the week has gotten me out of the habit. Seems that come the weekends I don't feel like blogging or don't have anything timely.

During the week I'm posting on Tony Isabella's messageboard, or one of the other places regarding comics. I'm also pretty active on Shelfari in several groups (Graphic Novels, Horror, etc.) and trying to catalog the books I've read or owned. Another reason why I don't blog when I have a chance, is because I've already talked myself out.

If you happen to wander around YouTube you might catch me commenting on one video or another. There it's pretty much politics, but also some of the goofier sites (What The Buck?; PonceMan; Penn Says and several others).

Next time I pick up a batch of comics (I'm about three weeks behind) I'll try to comment. Until then take care!

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